I am Joe Barber

Product Designer & Collaborator

I'm currently working as a contract design consultant and full-time stay at home dad, but I'm interested in full time opportunities.

I used to spend my time doing things like crafting the future of Esports tournaments at Battlefy, building in-person digital experiences with VMLY&R, and trying to make government services easier for humans at Payit.

Some things I've worked on


Sidekick AI Chatbot

An LLM to make quality data analysis and visualization accessible to all.
Try Sidekick Yourself +
mySidewalk Sidekick AI Chatbot UI

Esports Tournament Platform

Creating the next evolution of the world's foremost Esports platform.
Go to Battlefy +
Battfly Platform UI

Modernizing Government Services

Creating smarter applications that citizens can understand and agencies can trust.
Check it out +
PayIt Platform UI
Sherwin Williams

Innovating Paint Selection

A different approach to helping homeowners understand and select the perfect paint.